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Camberwell plaques

Page history last edited by Andrew F 11 years, 9 months ago

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Back to Plaques and memorials

Historic plaques and memorials in the Camberwell region


View Plaques and memorials in Camberwell in a larger map


Click on the blue markers in the above map for historic images and information about the plaque or memorial at that location.

Note: For plaques located in the Historic Canterbury Shopping Precinct, go to Canterbury Historic Plaques.


Aleppo Pine

Cr. Zillah Crawcour Tree

Camberwell City Centenary Plaque
Camberwell Civic Centre Camberwell Inn Mayoresses Court
Henry Rooks Memorial Fountain 1st Camberwell Scout Group  Henry Andrew Howard Bench 
Canterbury Gardens Bandstand  Hislop Entrance William Dimmick Memorial Gateway 
John Gray Memorial Bandstand Arthur Brooks Memorial Drinking Fountain   Albert Vine Memorial Plaque
Beckett Park Centenary Tower Beckett Park Fountain Neil Whitford Memorial
Camberwell Girl Guides Dr E.M.H. Inglis
City of Camberwell Municipal Offices 


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